The Importance of Good Support Systems in Recovery

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Your first instinct might be to make friends with everyone who comes your way, but this is not always the best idea. Remember, it’s not always easy to make friends – and oftentimes it’s much more difficult to make lifelong friends. One of the most important things to do when building your support network is learn how to rebuild and repair these relationships. The people closest to you are often the ones who are hurt the most by your addiction. And, these are often the people who will be most important in your support group. It’s important to practice the skills of discernment, especially when you are working with friends and family.

Positive peer pressure

There are a lot of different recovery meetings that you can choose from. If you’re going to do this properly, then you need to take time to think about your goals and needs. You may want to spend some time writing out ideas of how you plan to achieve your goals.

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GateHouse Treatment and Your Sober Support Network

However, in some cases, family members may have addictions or engage in behavior that may have contributed to your addiction prior to you entering rehab. If your family members are unable to support and encourage you in your life of recovery, you can build a more supportive network through other potentially more reliable means. In addiction recovery, a sober support network is a lifeline that can make the difference between relapse and lasting sobriety. At GateHouse Treatment, we are more than a therapy program; we are a community. We offer help from the moment you begin recovery well into years of sobriety when you look back proud of what you have accomplished. Sober living is an option after the intensive treatment provided in inpatient care.

  • It was designed based on an extensive history of research and evaluation, revealing the key triggers and turning points leading to relapse.
  • During that time, Dr. Jonas achieved his Doctorate in Addictions Studies focusing on Continuing Care and disease management.
  • The practice of gratitude can assist individuals in maintaining long-term recovery motivation.
  • Depending on how long you were addicted, it might take some time for your family and friends to regain their trust in you.
  • Together, your support network will help to provide you with encouragement so that you can remain focused on your recovery goals.

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Always recognize the people you have asked to support you when they behave in a manner that is helpful to you or when they otherwise make you feel valued and encouraged as you navigate your recovery. Sometimes, a quick thank you may be enough while at other times you may wish to communicate sober network in greater detail how the individual helped and supported you. When you are new to recovery, you may find it challenging to determine who would be a good fit for your support network. Begin by creating a list of personal traits individuals who support your recovery should possess.

sober network

Support groups can provide hope

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At Turnbridge, it is these bonds that serve as constant reminders of the promise of recovery, and the journey that accompanies it. The sober networks established within our residencies only continue to thrive upon leaving treatment. Many of our clients go on to become sponsors for young men just starting their network, while others move forward as roommates after their time in New Haven. No matter the circumstance, we strongly believe that the friendships built here at some of the most rewarding ones of all.

  • It’s just as important to let your support group know exactly what they can do to help you.
  • Sometimes it’s a conscious choice, out of fear that their addiction will be discovered or worry that someone might try to intervene in their addictive lifestyle.
  • Nevertheless, people often find it challenging to effectively build a support network.
  • Getting sober can be one of the most powerful decisions you can make for your health and future.

If you are attempting to include people in your support group who have been hurt or damaged by your addiction, don’t get upset if they are slow to warm up to you. People are often hesitant when others make drastic changes in their behavior. This is especially true if you have struggled with addictive behavior for many years.

  • A mental health professional can help you cope with some of the challenges you’ll face on your path to sobriety.
  • A sober support network is a group of individuals who understand the challenges of recovery and provide emotional, psychological, and practical support throughout the journey.
  • The most significant difference between a Recovery Coach and other helping professionals is the Recovery Coach is trained to focus is on “empowering” the client to do for themselves what they dreamed about.
  • Of course, online connections are not the only way to create a sober network.
  • Family members and friends who have stood by you can form the foundation of your network.

Establishing a self-care routine is a time-consuming and evolving process, yet it remains a fundamental part of recovery. The establishment of an effective self-care routine in recovery can differ for each individual, but it is an ongoing process that requires time and dedication. Fostering a connection with family and friends who empathize with your struggles can help alleviate feelings of isolation.

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Avoid Old Routines and Habits


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